Friday, December 5, 2014

But what did I do THIS time, Father?!

Often times we get in the way of our own blessings and breakthroughs. We often try to figure out how we can have our hearts desires and still be in God's will. This morning I woke up to "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." This seemed a little harsh at first but like any good parent, God explained to me why I was being chastised. I'm not a hypocrite...sometimes I'm too real about my journey, but I have not released everything to God. I still try to hold on to things that could lead to destruction, I still watch and glorify some things that are not pleasing to Him, and I still engage in some things that don't give Him any glory. So while He spoke to me, He cautioned me to pray that "His will be my will and that anything that grieves Him become adverse to my desire." Whew...really God? Then just when I was feeling dejected He reminded me of my favorite scripture Jeremiah 29:11 and gave me a task. He showed me that I have too much work to do to get side tracked by small things or distracted by temporary pleasures. He showed me that some of my decisions (although not bad, malicious, or intentionally sinful) can create extra bumps and hurdles in carrying out His plan for me. Well...thank you, Father because I surely don't want EXTRA difficulties! 
So today I walk in obedience and submission because I understand that God knows my future and He's clearing the path towards it. I may not understand it all the time but I also don't want to hurt my greater that is coming. I'm not trying to risk my favor or my covering by engaging in things that are not pleasing to Him. It's just not worth it. Sometimes we see things of the present harmless but God sees into the future and knows better. This life can be tricky so I rather take guidance from someone who has infinite insight into my days. 
Today I encourage you to seek God's face in all that you do. Make sure that you are led and that He has purposed "it" for you! 


  1. Love, love, love this! This has been ringing in my spirit all week. #NomoreLukewarm"ness" Help keep me accountable Kita :-)

  2. My GOD! #confirmation This very thing was in one of the daily devotionals I read this week. God's word is tight but right. We all strive every day to walk in His will. We don't always do it, so thank God for grace and especially mercy. Good stuff!
